Thursday, August 15, 2019

Trump Appears to Swipe at Hannity for Defending CNN’s Chris Cuomo

“It always happens!” he wrote. “When a Conservative does even a fraction of what Chris Cuomo did with his lunatic ranting, raving, & cursing, they get destroyed by the Fake News.”
Continuing his obsession over CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s filmed meltdown at a heckler who called the TV personality “Fredo,” President Donald Trump appeared to take a public swipe at one of his most loyal media sycophants on Tuesday for publicly defending Cuomo’s actions.

After devoting much of his Twitter timeline to blasting the CNN primetime host over his profanity-laced tirade, Trump groused that there were conservatives giving Cuomo a pass.
“It always happens!” Trump wrote. “When a Conservative does even a fraction of what Chris Cuomo did with his lunatic ranting, raving, & cursing, they get destroyed by the Fake News. But when a Liberal Democrat like Chris Cuomo does it, Republicans immediately come to his defense. We never learn!”

While there were a handful of right-wing pundits and notable Republicans who supported Cuomo and said he’d been baited by the heckler, the most prominent and Trump-centric defender was Fox News star Sean Hannity.

Shortly after the video of Cuomo’s altercation went viral on Monday evening, Hannity sided with his 9 p.m. cable-news rival, emphasizing that the CNN host had been confronted while out with his family.
“I say good for @ChrisCuomo,” the pro-Trump host tweeted Monday night. “He’s out with his 9 year old daughter, and his wife, and this guy is being a jackass in front of his family. Imho Chris Cuomo has zero to apologize for. He deserves the apology.”
And during his radio show on Tuesday afternoon, prior to Trump’s tweet, Hannity doubled down on his defense of Cuomo. After claiming that he’s taking some heat from fellow conservatives for backing the CNN anchor, Hannity told his listeners: “Maybe I’m a little sensitive to it because I’ve lived this life. I’ve said this many times before, but I don’t think fame is a healthy thing.”

Hannity brushed off complaints about Cuomo’s profane language as fake outrage. “We’ve all heard these words,” the primetime star said. “The feigning of outrage is an industry now.”

For his part, Cuomo has said of the incident that he “should be better than the guys baiting” him, adding that there was “no need to add to the ugliness.”

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Fortnite Week 10 Secret Banner Location Guide (Season 6 Hunting Party Challenge)

After more than two months, Season 6 of Fortnite is coming to a close. Epic has rolled out the game's final set of Season 6 challenges on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices, giving you one last chance to level your Battle Pass up and unlock any remaining rewards. As always, there's an extra incentive to complete these challenges; if you manage to clear all the ones from a given week, you'll in turn complete one of Season 6's Hunting Party challenges.

Each Hunting Party challenge you clear will reward you with a special loading screen. Not only do these screens feature a cool piece of artwork showcasing some of the game's newest skins, they also contain a very subtle hint that points you to a free item hidden somewhere around the island. Depending on how many Hunting Party challenges you complete, this item will either be a Battle Star--good for leveling your Battle Pass up by one tier--or a special Banner that can be used as a profile icon.

If you clear all 10 weekly sets of challenges in Season 6, you'll unlock the loading screen pictured below. It showcases DJ Yonder--one of the new skins introduced at the start of the season--deejaying a giant party attended by other new and popular skins. Look closely at the speakers just to the left of Yonder, however, and you'll notice a set of coordinates that read G8, G9, H8, H9. This is the clue to where you can find the final free Banner.

The aforementioned coordinates lead you to into the desert, near the area where the mysterious purple cube that played such a prominent role in Season 6 first appeared. At the start of a match, glide to where the coordinates intersect and the free Banner will pop up. Collect it as you would any other item and you'll be able to use it as your profile icon after finishing the match, whether by getting eliminated or securing a Victory Royale.

However, just as with previous free Banners, the usual caveats apply. The item won't appear on the island unless you've completed all of the necessary challenges and unlocked the aforementioned loading screen. This means you won't simply be able to head to the right area and collect it without first clearing all 10 weekly sets of challenges.

Season 6 of Fortnite is scheduled to end on December 6, which means Season 7 will follow not too far behind. You have until then to complete this season's challenges and unlock any remaining Battle Pass rewards. If you need some assistance, we've rounded up some helpful tips in our complete Season 6 challenge guide. You can also find our guides for all Season 6's other free Battle Stars and Banners below.

Fortnite Hunting Party Challenge Guides

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